QB has just retreated from Red hive with a mass of very cross bees intent on inflicting
some damage! Sat under the shady branches of a very large Fir tree for 10mins.
Red hive has a blue-marked queen (2010) and I was inspecting the brood box to decide
whether to leave her in charge over the winter or set her up in a Nuc. and combine the colony
with Miniblue.
I saw the blue-queen laying eggs. There was sealed brood on 5 frames but it was patchy.
I found 3 large, sealed queen cells hanging from the top bars of 2 frames.
By this time my normally gentle bees had worked themselves up into quite a lather!!
So I popped an empty super with drawn comb above the QX and put the very heavy supers
above a clearer board and left in a hurry.
You can't plan clearly with all that going on so now I'm sitting in the cool of the house and doing a bit
of thinking.
What to do next?
Here, King Bee says leave them alone because "They know what they're doing".
All Comments will be gratefully received.
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