Thursday, 12 September 2013

Final Inspection

Yesterday was too cold and wet to open the hives.
Today has been unexpectedly warm and sunny but Red hive was still not pleased
with the invasion by QB.
Anyway I managed 2 hives and hope to do 2 more tomorrow before fetching Yellow
hive back from the heather moors.

As this is the final inspection of this year I must make a good assessment of the brood nest
so I can plan for next season.
1) Brood nest : is Queen there? How many combs of brood/eggs/larvae?
    Remove Q.excluder.
    Place eke on top.  Place first Apiguard tray on top of brood frames.After 2 weeks
     remove tray and add a fresh one.
2)  Super : select super with most stores.(By now as I have removed any sealed honey)
      If there is a super of "wet comb" put clearer board below to remove in 2-3 days time.
      If only one super with stores, place feeder board on top without the Porter escapes.
      Place empty rapid feeder on top ready to add 2:1 sugar syrup.
      Don't fill yet. Wait until dusk and feed all colonies at the same time.
3)   Place plain papers below mesh floor in varroa tray ready to monitor drop
      after 2 weeks with first Apiguard treatment.
NB If there is definitely no queen in a colony I must decide which colony to combine it with,
       and do it before Apiguard or feeding.
Well that's about it I think.  Hope for decent weather tomorrow so I can finish inspecting
 the other 2 hives (Blue and miniblue)

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