Monday, 19 August 2013

Varroa- count results/action

QB uses WBC hives with mesh floors and a slide-out wooden tray beneath.
The dead mites (or living if bees have been grooming) drop through the mesh on to the white paper
which I place on the tray.
Since V. management is an essential part of helping the bees to stay healthy QB monitors the
number of mites which drop through at least 4X /year.
I have just carried out a count for every colony (currently 4). All had debris eg wax scales and pollen
"Whoops!! Dropped it!"
Red hive - 0 mites but a few badger hairs.
Silver hive - 1 mite with 2 fine hairs
Blue hive - 1 mite
Mini-blue - 0 but several badger hairs
This very low count pattern has been more or less the same throughout the season.
 QB likes to icing-sugar dust the bees on the surface of each comb - NOT on a breezy
day though. The idea is that as they lick each other any mites become dislodged and drop off.
Sorry this is all a bit boring!!
You can download all the details about V. from Defra's website (
ACTION : As the count is so low I could take no action. I might consider putting Apistan
above each broodnest (£4 cheaper from Paynes than Thornes for the 10 tray size - treats
5 colonies) in September as an extra insurance.

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