Saturday, 3 August 2013


What I did with 5 queen cells.
Well firstly, I looked into all the colonies to see if any were strong enough to donate
some brood to a nucleus.  Yes! There was a lot of spare brood and workers. OK
Make a note of which hives would gift 2 or 3 combs.
Next , I took another look into the "5 queencell" hive (now named miniblue).
And then I decided to forget all my plans for them because I found 3 of the 5 had hatched
out queens and the workers had destroyed 2 of the 5.
The queens will sort each other out and I hope the strongest, blackest, best-matured one
will win.  Anyway whichever queen is still alive will be high in the cloudless blue sky having a grand
old time. After several trips out she will come home with her spermothecae full and then she'll get
down to the serious work of laying eggs (most diploid and a few haploid.) In full lay she can produce
up to 2,000 eggs/day.
So the stunning picture above shows a barren nuc.!!!
For "How to set up a nuc. when you DO HAVE spare Q.cells" see blog "The next day"

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