Monday, 1 October 2012


All the colonies have been active today. It has been warmer.
Bees have been out on the platforms pushing out drones
and repelling robbers.  There are a lot of tiny furry bodies
strewed around.  We are still feeding them with sugar syrup
but this is done at dusk (I have just come back in) so they can
get to work moving it into the combs overnight.  This should
reduce robbing by other bees and wasps.
I also did a count of the dead varroa mites on the trays beneath
the hive floor.  The average across all colonies was 1 mite per day.
Nothing to worry about.  The colonies are well set to survive the winter.
The critical factor now is if there is enough food stored to last them the
winter and also if they can reach the stores when they are clustering.
So many "ifs" and "buts" and "what ifs"!!!

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