Friday, 19 October 2012

Indian last?

When the fog and mist finally cleared today I went out into the veg. garden.
One of the few successes this year has been (unexpectedly) the carrot crop.
 They need digging now as I am noticing some mouse-nibbly holes in them.
The sun was warm and the birds were singing and, guess what?  The borders were
buzzing - yes - the honey bees were out again!  There's not much for them but does
that deter them?  Oh no!!  Globe Thistle, perennial and annual Rudbeckia, thyme, lemon
balm - well quite a lot really.  Every hive was sending out workers to forage.
This means that the winter stores will be being used - so they'll need some syrup feed
Mustn't forget to put rocks on the hive roofs to stop the badgers getting in.  Yes there has
been evidence of regular nightly visits -- Stiff black & white hairs in the trays below the
brood boxes; long claw scratch marks across the landing platforms; paw prints in the mud on the path.  Badgers can do a lot of damage in their search for honey comb.

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