Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Moving house cont.

QB didn't spot QB but found eggs.  Had to take great care when brushing the bees off the super (nearly full of freshly capped honey). Didn't want to lose the QB.or trap her above the QX!!
These workers' pollen baskets are full of Alder (pale) and Salix (golden) pollen.
They're piling it into the new premises. As the brood comb is quite full of sealed honey
there is little room for the Q to lay. The bees need more space to move this honey into.   So I've put a super of new foundation above the QX and below the old super ( which is also quite full). Spring is the best time to get new comb drawn.
Next job - clean, scrub, scorch the old hive bits ready for the next colony to move into. Is a QB's work never done??

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