Not much to say or do! I've had bees for 42 years and I still can hardly wait for the time to open up.
Yesterday I decided to make up some frames in the workshop - but the wax foundation was so cold it kept breaking up, so I gave up.
Today, 9C but the wind is cold. A visit to the apiary told me the 5 surviving colonies are still alive - despite that sudden snow and return to Arctic conditions. Spring-cleaning is still going on. Some brave bees are out sucking up water from the moss around the hives. (They need water to dilute the honey). These are signs they're using up stores -so I need to be watchful. If feeding becomes necessary thick syrup, 1kg sugar:650ml water.
Anyway, I'll wait for the flowering currant to bloom before I take that first peek!
Happy days are just around the corner. QBuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing