Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Spring prep.begins

The Red Colony hasn't survived.  The Q. was my favourite but quite old. I should have replaced her but in July she was laying well. The bees tried supersedure but the virgin didn't mate and they were left queenless. I tried to introduce a young mated Q (white) but by now it was getting too late in the season for the brood to build up - so not enough bees to cluster successfully.
When I discovered the few dead bees with plenty of stores I closed up the hive to prevent robbing. Yesterday, I removed all hive parts, brood comb (empty) and super(quite heavy) and took them into the workshop for a thorough inspection. Looking for signs of disease - found none - not even Nosema splodges! So - what to do?
Blowtorch all parts - into every corner after scraping off propolis. There may be spores hidden in cracks so I must be thorough! All outer parts of this WBC hive to be painted. Once this hive is cleaned and reassembled it's ready to be reused.
Every colony will be put in a cleaned hive - once the weather warms up to around 15C. QBuzzzzzz

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Another mild day - but be warned.

10C this afternoon. I've just spent a happy time watching the comings and goings in Bee City.  Two colonies bringing in pollen - so 2 Queens laying.
But I won't feed any Candypollene yet. There's no point boosting the colony into increasing their brood when a) there's very little forage b) the forecast is for some very cold weather in the next 2 weeks. (Another) good point about WBC hives - bees don't get trapped above crown board. They can join their mates by going down between the double wall of the hive. This also prevents condensation inside the hive.

Putting new candy block above feeder hole - curious workers.

I can tell where the bee cluster is by checking the cappings on the varroa tray - not disturbing them or the ambient temp. inside. QBzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, 19 February 2018

A Mild Candy Afternoon

"Stone" colony bees hard at work
Candy in fridge boxes ready for 5 hives
I feed candy and wet cappings in these boxes, turned upside-down over the feed hole in the crown board. In this way I don't need to lift the board, or place eke in the hive, and I can easily see the rate the candy is being eaten.
I'm pleased I wore my suit and veil today. Every colony, "Stone", "Silver", "Blue/red", "Moss" and "Yellow"were busy spring-cleaning. Stone and Moss were bringing in pollen (small quantities but it's a start!). I will give these two some pollen patties to help them out if the weather stays mild.
When I change the empty fridge box for a full one I often find the bees have built me an amazing beeswax sculpture. Off to make up more frames. QBzz

So this is what they've been doing this winter!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

February Check

Crocuses are in full bloom
Saturday - a fabulous Spring day. Temp. 7C - positively balmy!
Snowdrops and winter aconites trying to tempt the bees.

Today's plan is to 1) check mesh and tray for signs of dead bees and cappings. 2)clear entrance of debris/ dead bees etc. 3) heft each side of hive to assess stores.
It isn't shirt-sleeve weather so I am definitely not opening any hives unless there is evidence the bees are dead.
First - roof off as it is v. heavy.
 Results - Red hive colony has not survived. This was expected as there were too few bees and I introduced a new (mated) Q too late in the season for the colony to grow.
The other 5 colonies are thriving with plenty of stores but I think I'll give them candy or candypolline. Just to be sure!! QBzzzzzzzzzz
....then the other.

lift one side and..........

Friday, 16 February 2018

Oh no!! Not more s**w!

On a day like this was and, as I'm a "glass half full" person ie. an optimist,
Spring will soon release those little furry bodies from their cluster, the only thing to do is clean and re-foundation the supers. I've put it off so far. I hate doing it. It's slow, messy and simply HAS TO BE DONE!
Tomorrow, Saturday 17th Feb. I plan to begin Spring preparation seriously.
Watch this space for my plans. QBzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Sunny Sunday - time to plan for a bee-friendly garden

Today we've been moving snowdrops into a bank where we can see them - from their hidden places in the woodland.
Honeybees like snowdrops, crocuses, winter aconites and mahonia  - all in flower in my garden now and for the rest of February.
The normal "bee barometer" is Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguinium) which flowers in March and April. When this is in flower and producing masses of nectar the bees are usually out in force and the temperatures are about right for the first inspection. This far North this is usually late April but each year is different.
Borage is best (Annual)
It's worth remembering That many flowers replenish their nectar daily in good weather.  Borage does this.
Eryngium flowers in July and goes on for months.
The bees love it.(Perennial)
 I'm sowing the annuals indoors at the end of Feb. There is no doubt Borage is the bees' favourite.