Friday, 30 June 2017

Warning message from NBU

A message from NBU reports colonies in some areas are starting to show high levels of mite presence eg. wing deformities and perforated cappings.
Find how to monitor colony mite population on p. 15 of "Managing Varroa"
booklet ( FERA). Varroa calculator is useful to calculate you estimated mite population. cfm
Treatments currently allowed (after honey crop removal): Apiguard, Apilife var, Thymovar. Only MAQS (formic acid base) (Mites Away Quick strips)
can be used while honey crop is still on the hives.
Apistan and Bayvarol are allowed but are getting some reports of mite resistance.

Queen Bee would never consider applying any chemicals while the honey
is still on the hives. Never....Ever....!

Big apiary inspection this weekend (if the weather behaves itself) -
stand by!

Monday, 26 June 2017

1) Bird Bath 2) Count varroa

Remember the bees need water.  I have noticed how they ignore the dish with moss that I put in the apiary!  They choose the woodchip garden paths or the hanging baskets - but favourite is the bird bath.
2 now, but wait till the "buzz" gets around!

2)Time to count the varroa drop preparatory to treatment with icing sugar. White paper on tray
shows those horrid shiney red bodies well.  But
if you leave in place too long the slugs move in!

Too long - 15 days
7 days - easier to count
 BBKA News July 2017 has very useful advice on varroa treatments.

Saturday, 24 June 2017


Dear Bee'pers - Blog now underway thanks to AdBee.
 Otterburn bees are in swarmy mode!! Several Redesdale colonies are causing us problems.
Queen Bee's bees are still at home and Red Colony needed the "7 day" check today, but it's far too windy and not all that warm. So, wait till tomorrow.Below, owlet emerges from owlbox.
This week's worst picture!!

Queen Bee communicating with subjects at Kew