Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Higher temps. than expected - Get in there!

Today turned out unexpectedly HOT! 
QB has just come back from the Yorkshire Dales where Summer has started.  May blossom, Horsechestnut, Oak, Sycamore etc etc. Learned how to play the ancient game of Merrills.
Anyway - decided today was the day to inspect the colonies.
I think it very important to have a pre-rehearsed (mentally) plan before opening up the hives.
Today - gauge the bees' mood and behaviour.
           - check stores.
           - examine brood nest for all stages of brood - eggs, larvae, capped brood.
I always lift to one side the super(s) and cover with quilt or cloth. I like working with cloth covers
to reduce the number of bees flying around getting excited.
Lifting off the QX is done carefully to make sure the Queen isn't clinging to it. She could end up in
the top super when I reassemble the hive -- happily laying eggs among the stored honey! Not good.
Taking out the first frame (on the right) and then working across left, carefully examining each surface
I look for all stages of brood, pollen stores and nectar. If I don't see the Queen but do see eggs I know she's about.  If I do see her I have the marker pen and cage to remark her after a long winter when her marking may get picked off by her attendants.
White Hive :  very strong; good mood; drawing out new foundation; 1 full super/ started on second.
                 :  brood nest on 4 combs of all stages eggs/ brood/ capped.
                    Capped drone cells (about 15)
 Yellow Hive : Medium strength; good mood; plenty stores in 1 super; loads of pollen in brood box.
                     : brood nest on 3 combs of larvae and capped brood - didn't find any eggs. BUT ......
                       we got a sudden thunder shower so had to close up very fast.
Blue Hive -  will have to wait till another day.

Sorry no pics today - rain stopped play.
Happy bee-keeping - BZZZZ QB


  1. I like the cloth idea! I'll have to try that. I got stung 3 times this weekend. Because it was about to rain. Such a bad idea to check hives on my part.

    1. You need at least 2 cloths with wood strip stitched into each end so you can roll the cloths up and also so they have a bit of weight to stop them blowing away. Thanks for comment QB
