Sunday, 13 April 2014

Coming out of hibernation? or just doing a spot of spring cleaning? Again!

This beautiful weeping cherry tempted the honey bees and one or two queen bumbles.
Yes! they really are there - No! I know you can't see them - trust me. You know that dreaded buzzing sound which makes you dash off to collect you swarm gear?  Well that's what I heard as I was planting my onions on Thursday.  This tree "Snow in Spring"
was the source of all the excitement.
However, the weather reverted to cold, windy and wet so I'm back to checking the candy blocks in the hives every day.
I treated the Red Colony with Nozevit+. (1mml : 200ml syrup).
They seemed to prefer the candy! However it's all gone now.
Note for Autumn - treatment first.
Next warm day - if ever- I'll be moving all colonies on to clean floors and if it's REALLY warm replace 3-4 brood comb with fresh foundation.  Probably like you I'm raring to go - on the starting blocks!
Pity Mo didn't win the London Marathon - came 8th.
TV might be worth watching BBC4 starting Monday 8pm "The Wonder of Bees".
Back soon - watch this (blog)spot.  QB.

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