Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Stolen Hives

Can you believe that people steal honey-bee hives?
Recently 2 brand-new hives were stolen from a youth-project in
Hartlepool.  Youngsters learning how to look after bees are devastated
by the loss.
It's very important to mark your hive parts and frames.  Some beekeepers
use a branding iron and some use a black felt-tip pen applied thickly.  Then
IF the thieves are caught your valuable property can be traced back to you.
And what of your precious honeybees? Suggestions please.
Hopefully if the criminals end up in court they will not be rewarded with
a short Community Service Order and a commendation from the Judge for
their courage (as in a recent case of house burglary in Teeside)!

This week it is time to start the count-down to tucking up the bees for their
winter rest. More tomorrow.

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