Yep! QB has come out of hibernation after her long winter break.
Now is the tricky part. There's not much pollen to help feed the early larvae.
Snowdrops, crocus, winter aconites OK but willow (very polleniferous!) is only just opening.
The W/NW wind today is cold and strong. One or two honeybees are spring-cleaning.
The good news is that all 5 colonies are alive.
But ... if the weather stays cold the bees could use all their stores and could starve.
I have put 250g of candy above each feeder hole - as a "justincase". Nektapol is useful too.
Candy with pollen in it. However once you start feeding this you must keep on, until the
colonies are flying strongly and there is plenty of pollen around.
Looking forward to HBKA visit to Chainbridge Honey Farm on May 10th.
But there's a lot to do before then. I'll keep you posted.
Next blog next week.